NEW COURSE - Piano for Adult Beginners
Over the years we have been teaching piano we have noticed one particular enterprising group of students - namely the adult beginners. These are not quite the same as adult returners who had lessons long ago and wish to take it up again, but there is some overlap. Both would like to see the piano as a part of their lives, both are prepared to practice, and - in the last analysis - both would like to "just sit down and play". (How often have we heard that?)
In teaching adult beginners, we have noticed that there are common barriers and stumbling blocks in the early learning process. So we've pooled our experience and resources to address these pain points and have designed a 10 week course exclusively for adult beginners. This course is designed specifically to address the gaps found in other tutor books and to ease the journey to reading music and becoming a fluent piano player.
So if you've tried other methods, and you've felt frustrated by a lack of progress, get in touch to see if our "Piano for Adult Beginners" is a good fit for you. You can read more by clicking HERE.